Palm Wealth Management Newsletters
February 2025- Steady Growth in Real Wages
In February's newsletter it touches upon steady growth in real wages, key retirement and tax numbers for 2025, a team approach to retirement savings and lastly how to get ready for tax time.
January 2025- Do You Have a New Year's Resolution
In January's newsletter it goes over new years resolutions, three market moving economic indicatiors to watch for, financial safety nets and finally whats new for 2025.
December 2024- Will Holiday Spending Outpace Inflation
In December's newsletter it speaks about if holiday spending will outpace inflation, preparation for unplanned early retirement, home energy rebates that could save you money and lastly three ways to invest in yourself.
October 2024- Sources of Retirement
In October's newsletter, it talks about the different sources there are for retirement, Medicare coverage options, important reasons to have a will and lastly the 2025 FAFSA.
September 2024- Empty Nesters Own Outsized Share of Big Homes
In September's article it speaks about older generations and the size of their homes compared to now, if you have enough life insurance, eight great investing quotes and finally what your real return is on your investments.
August 2024- How The Typical American Pays For College
In August's article it touches upon how the typical American pays for college, capital gains when selling a home, inherited IRA's verses other retirement plans and lastly retroactive social security benefits.
In July's newsletter it touches upon the topics of American travel after Covid-19, hazards to avoid when on the road of retiring, insurance gaps and the risk they have and lastly when lossing a loved one, scams to look out for.
In June's newsletter it speaks about U.S. adults financial regrets, the difference between 592 Plans and Roth IRAs, pension strategies that may boost your income and finally if home improvements can lower your tax bill.
May 2024 - Health Insurance Premiums Jumped in 2023
In May's newsletter, it touches on the topics of health care premium increases in 2023, Investment Biases and knowing how they affect your decisions, basics about Social Security and tax withholdings from your earnings and making any changes necessary.
April 2024 - When Do People Start Collecting Social Security?
In April's newsletter, it touches on the topics of when to begin taking your Social Security income, 2023 Tax Return due dates, Measuring the Market, and costs of storing items that you really don't need.
March 2024- Why Do Workers Take Less Paid Time Off Than They Can?
In March's newsletter, it touches upon the topics of why workers take less time off than they can, mistakes with life insurance beneficiaries, Individual bonds vs bond funds and lastly the housing market.
Feburary 2024-Saving Less? You're not alone
In Feburary's newsletter, it touches upon the topics of savings across the United States, key retirement and tax numbers for 2024, how savers and spenders can meet in the middle and lastly the federal reserve's key meeeting dates in 2024.